Tuesday, January 20, 2009


It started raining at around 2 P.M. torrential rains that made us worry if the Annual WADSADSAD will push thru. Miss Cj, of the Aklan State University, one of the campus that we visited this year for the annual outreach for young people with information on HIV prevention calls that the faculty of the State University will not allow the students to SadSad and riskn getting sick from the rain. I was ready to throw-up with the worry that other agencies know that rain of shine the WADSADSAD show must go on we have sadsad in the rain 3 years ago and we will sadsad this year.
We prayed for the rain to stop like we have never prayed the rain to stop before.
3:30 P.M. the rain STOPPED.
Wev go out the assembly point and the band was there, the students were there,the agency partners were there.
it is a show of support for our advocacy
it is a show of how strong the partnership is
it is a show of how strong we will push this advocacy forward
and like all SHOWS, it MUST go on......

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